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Important New CVRA Case
On August 24, 2023, the California Supreme Court issued a unanimous opinion in a California Voting Rights Act (“CVRA”; Elections Code §§ 14025 et seq.) case that has been pending for more than seven years:  Pico Neighborhood Association v....
Religious Objection Could Trump Oath to Uphold State and Federal Constitutions
The Ninth Circuit recently opened the door to a government employee’s challenge to the State’s practice of demanding that certain employees swear to uphold the State and Federal constitutions.  Such a challenge could be grounded in either Title VII’s...
Police Immunity Limited by Supreme Court
Government Code section 821.6, one of various immunities codified in the Government Claims Act, immunizes public employees from liability for “instituting or prosecuting any judicial or administrative proceeding” within the scope of their employment,...
Warrant Needed to Tow for Unpaid Parking Tickets
COURT HOLDS SUCH TOWS WITHOUT A WARRANT ARE AN ILLEGAL SEIZURE UNDER CALIFORNIA AND UNITED STATES CONSTITUTIONS  On July 21, 2023, in Coalition on Homelessness v. City and County of San Francisco, the California First District Court of Appeal found that San...
FPPC Guidance, SB 1439, and Campaign Contributions
SB 1439, adopted last year, extended the Levine Act’s (Gov. Code Section 84308) requirements to local elected officials. In short, SB 1439 now requires local elected officials (including members of city council, special district boards, and school district boards) to recuse...
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